Månadens risk: Cyber-risk

9 mars 2013

Efter att World Economic Forum WEF i sin Global Risks Report 2013 och PwC i sin CEO Survey 2013 har lyft den växande betydelsen av risker som hotar via internet, så kallade cyber risks, har också FERMA tillsammans med bland annat Harvard Business Review Analytic Services i slutet av januari lanserat en rapport kring ämnet; 'Meeting the Cyber Risk Challenge'. Rapporten säger bland annat:

"The sheer number of ways in which data can be lost, stolen, or misappropriated illustrates the prevalence of the threat. Respondents highlighted the following threats to the information security and confidentiality:

1) malware and other viruses

2) administrative errors

3) incidents caused by data providers

4) malicious employee activity

5) attacks on web applications

6) theft or loss of mobile devices

7) internal hackers

Regulation and compliance concerns appear to be driving much of organisations' planning around cyber risk. Survey respondents most frequently placed business income loss and the cost of restoring crucial proprietary electronic information among their top five concerns. The next three concerns all related to legal liability: Legal defence and settlement costs from third party claims Costs of regulatory settlements Costs of defending regulatory investigations."

Detta är anledningen till att FERMA kommer att ta upp detta område som en specifik agendapunkt på sitt 2013 Risk Management Forum i Maastricht i september 2013.

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